Welcome to the online submission and editorial system for the Praxis of Otorhinolaryngology.
First time users: Please select 'New User' from the menu and enter the requested information. Upon successful registration, you will be able to use the system with your Username (E-mail) and Password.
Returning users: Please enter your Username and Password and select 'Login' from the menu. If you have been registered as a 'Reviewer' the system will automatically switch to the 'Reviewer' interface. You never need to re-register, even if your role changes (i.e., from author to reviewer).
Authors: Enter your Username and Password and select 'Login' from the menu. Then submit your manuscript and track its progress through the system. For a Guide for Authors regarding your paper please look at Instructions for Authors.
Reviewers: Enter your Username and Password and select 'Login' from the menu. You may view and/or download manuscripts assigned to you and submit your comments for the Editor and the Authors. Do not forget to agree to review when you are informed of a new manuscript! For further information please look at the 'Instructions for Reviewers'.
Forgot your password: Select 'Retrieve Password' from the menu and enter your e-mail address and click 'send'. You will receive an e-mail with the requested information.
Changing username and password: Login into the system and select 'Personel Details'. Your current password is listed in the 'Password' field. Please replace this with a new password and click the 'Update' button at the bottom of the form.
Important Notice: This Online Submission & Tracking System has been developed for Internet Explorer 5.5 and upper versions. If you have problems accessing data please go to the update site of Microsoft to update your browser.