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Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. Year: 2005  Volume: 14  Issue: 3  131-134
Radyolojik bulgularıyla suprasternal yerleşimli dermoid kist: Olgu sunumu

Ahmet Savranlar, Tülay Özer, Varım Numanoğlu, Banu Doğan Gün


Anahtar Kelimeler: Dermoid kist/doğuştan/radyografi; başboyunneoplazileri/doğuştan; bebek, yenidoğan.

Radiologic findings of a congenital suprasternal dermoid cyst

Ahmet Savranlar, Tülay Özer, Varım Numanoğlu, Banu Doğan Gün

A congenital cystic mass was detected at the
suprasternal notch of a seven-month-old male infant.
After radiologic examinations including ultrasonography,
computed tomography, and magnetic resonance
imaging, the cyst was excised and diagnosed as a
dermoid cyst. Dermoid cysts of the head and neck
are rare lesions, but a midline location is characteristic
for these congenital masses. To our knowledge,
only two reports have been published, which were
similar to our case in localization. Dermoid cysts
should be included in the differential diagnosis of
midline cysts.

Key words: Dermoid cyst/congenital/radiography; headand neck neoplasms/congenital; infant, newborn.

Ahmet Savranlar, Tülay Özer, Varım Numanoğlu, Banu Doğan Gün. Radiologic findings of a congenital suprasternal dermoid cyst. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2005; 14(3): 131-134

Corresponding Author: Ahmet Savranlar

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