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Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. Year: 2005  Volume: 14  Issue: 3  97-100
Bazı topikal otik solüsyonların antibakteriyel aktivitesinin değerlendirilmesi

Harun Üçüncü, A. Esin Aktaş, Halil Yazgı, Nimet Yiğit, Bülent Aktan, Yavuz Sütbeyaz


Anahtar Kelimeler: Uygulama, topikal; antibakteriyel ajan;bakteriyel enfeksiyon/ilaç tedavisi; otitis eksterna; otitismedia/ilaç tedavisi; Proteus mirabilis/ilaç etkisi; Pseudomonasaeruginosa/ilaç etkisi; Staphylococcus aureus/ilaçetkisi.

Assessment of antibacterial activity of some topical otological solutions

Harun Üçüncü, A. Esin Aktaş, Halil Yazgı, Nimet Yiğit, Bülent Aktan, Yavuz Sütbeyaz

Objectives: Otological solutions have long been
used in the treatment of the bacterial and fungal
infections of the ear. We investigated antibacterial
activity of some otic solutions against the most common
bacteria isolated from discharging ears.
Study Design: Three solutions were used
(Castellani’s, Burrow’s, and 2% salicyl alcohol) for
20 fresh isolates of each of the following organisms:
Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and
Enterobacter spp.. The activity of each solution was
determined by the size of the zone of inhibition of
bacterial growth.
Results: The Castellani’s solution showed significantly
larger average inhibition zones than the other
solutions did (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The Castellani’s solution may be considered
a good option against bacterial or mixed
infections (bacterial and fungal) of the ear.

Key words: Administration, topical; anti-bacterial agents;bacterial infections/drug therapy; otitis externa; otitismedia/drug therapy; Proteus mirabilis/drug effects;Pseudomonas aeruginosa/drug effects; Staphylococcusaureus/drug effects.

Harun Üçüncü, A. Esin Aktaş, Halil Yazgı, Nimet Yiğit, Bülent Aktan, Yavuz Sütbeyaz. Assessment of antibacterial activity of some topical otological solutions. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2005; 14(3): 97-100

Corresponding Author: Harun Üçüncü

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